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Puddling Furnace Icon Building
Puddling Furnace
Type Building
Theme Bobby's Desert
Limit +6,300 Resource Passenger
Income +1,050 Resource Income/h
Size 15 Misc Space
  70.00 / Misc Space  
Award Information
Award From Franz - Levels 300-699 #3 Limit 1
Contract shop Information
Franz's Shop (2020)
Statistics Levels Cost Buy XP Contract(s)
Limit +6,300 Resource Passenger
Income +525 Resource Income/h 300-699 270,000 Resource Wood
280,000 Resource Nails
260,000 Resource Bricks
234,000 Train Ride XP    3
Size 15 Misc Space
Ratio 35.00 Resource Income/Misc Space
Other Information
This building uses the same graphic as the Puddling Furnace (I)Puddling Furnace (III).

The iron works were continuously enlarged and finally purchased by the Viennese banker Salomon Mayer von Rothschild in 1843. He also financed the extension of the Emperor Ferdinand Northern Railway from Vienna to Ostrava with a branch-off to his steel mill, which was completed in 1855. His Rothschild heirs in 1873 founded the Witkowitzer Bergbau- und Hüttengewerkschaft, the largest iron and steel works in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. After the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939, their possessions were "aryanized" and taken over by the Reichswerke Hermann Göring conglomerate. After World War II they were socialised as the Vítkovické železárny Klement Gottwald n.p. (VŽKG) by the Czechoslovak state.

Vítkovice from 1850 was an independent municipality. In 1908 it was granted town rights by Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, in 1924 it became a part of Greater Ostrava. is located in Ostrava: Czech Republic
