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Praetorian Dart 4 Icon Electric
Praetorian Dart
Type Common Electric  (200%)
Power 156 Icon Power
Slot 1 Icon Slots
Tax 1,385 Resource U-235
Dispatch XP 1,260 Train Ride XP
Set Praetorian Express (+435%)
Offer Information
Offer Type Offer Date Cost Buy XP Level Restrictions
Limited gem offer Gem Offer 5 Mar 2021 Bonus locomotive, included with a 72-hours Gem Offer.
Other Information
This locomotive uses the same graphic as the Praetorian Dart 1Praetorian Dart 2Praetorian Dart 3Praetorian Dart 5Praetorian Dart 6Praetorian Dart 7.
PESA Dart is an electric multiple unit train produced in Poland. PKP Intercity placed a $US 350m order with Pesa in February 2014 for 20 eight-car trains in a deal which includes 15 years' maintenance by the manufacturer. The 150m-long trains will seat 292 passengers in standard class and 60 passengers in first class accommodation.