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Classic Resistor 1 Icon Maglev
Classic Resistor
Type Common Maglev  (100%)
Power 49 Icon Power
Slot 1 Icon Slots
Tax 1,176 Resource U-235
Dispatch XP 1,170 Train Ride XP
Set Classic Maglev (+2150%)
Offer Information
Offer Type Offer Date Cost Buy XP Level Restrictions
Limited gem offer Gem Offer 16 Jul 2021 Bonus locomotive, included with a 72-hours Gem Offer.
Other Information
This locomotive uses the same graphic as the Classic Resistor 2Classic Resistor 3Classic Resistor 4Classic Resistor 5Classic Resistor 6Classic Resistor 7Classic Resistor 8.
Maglev is a system of transportation that uses magnetic levitation to suspend, guide and propel vehicles rather than using mechanical methods. Maglev transport is a means of flying a vehicle or object along a guideway by using magnets to create both lift and thrust, only a few inches above the guideway surface. The non-reliance on friction means that acceleration and deceleration can far surpass that of existing forms of transport. The power needed for levitation is not a particularly large percentage of the overall energy consumption, most of the power used is needed to overcome air resistance, as with any other high-speed form of transport.