Trainstation Wikia
Mallet Platinum Fil:Icon Shop Loco.png
Mallet Platinum
Type Fil:Icon Shop Loco.png (Steam)
Trækkraft 8 Icon Power
Afgift 10 Fil:Gold.png
Afsendelses XP 13 Fil:XP.png
Sæt Ikke defineret
OCU Ikke nødvendig
Købs information
Butik info: Guld Butik info: Juveler
Pris N/A Pris 160 Fil:Gems.png
Køb XP Køb XP 600 Fil:XP.png
Level Level 21
Award Information
Belønning fra George #5 Max 1
Andre informationer
Data corrected after the 28 Nov 2016 Game Update.


Mallet's original design was a compound locomotive, in which the steam is used twice, first in a set of high-pressure cylinders, then in a set of low-pressure cylinders. With all six cylinders operating at their full pressure, the "Triplexes" produced huge amounts of tractive effort that may have been the highest of any steam locomotives before or since.

At the TrainStation game, the Mallet Platinum is a variant of Matt H.Shay locomotive for a player who have already bought a Meadow Theme or the collecting player for gems. In addition this locomotive is a reward from George contracts #5.

